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Parent Workshop Week 3

Ana-Nele Bradley

Week 3 of the Parent Workshop - I am a little behind this week with posting this one! As I said in the beginning - the weeks go by so quickly!

Week 3 finishes our Parent Birth Workshop.

During this week we bring it all together as we talk about the 3rd stage of labour. We talke about the different options of delivering the placenta and clamping the cord - And touch on one of my favorite things to talk about - the 9 instinctive steps baby goes through right after birth! My very own favorite 'The Breastcrawl'! Absolutely love it as it brings me right back to when my baby girl was born and literally 'crawl-ran' up my tummy!

third stage of labour, cord clamping, wait for ehite
Parent Birth Workshop

Site note - my two boys on the other hand were quite lazy compared to her and I don't remember them crawling very fast, or much at all... every baby will be different.

After that we discuss all the beautiful and wonderful new born appearances and mum and baby after birth! What kind of checks to expect and how long or soon after birth you can go back home! Did you know that if everything goes well and you feel ready you can go home the same day?

We finish our 3 week Workshop by realising that you have just become parents! How do you feel?

As I said many times - I absolutley love teaching these Workshops and it is amazing how much we cover over just 3 weeks - and how much more confident everyone feels at the same time. Realising that knowing how and knowing what - knowing your options - can be so empowering and give you the tools to have alternatives as well!

Just knowing can take a lot of fear away! Exactly what we want!

My next Parent Birth Workshop starts on the 24th of April!

Book your space now to prepare for your confidend and empowerd birth as you learn all the wonderful tools and understand how you can be an active participant of your labour, birth and beyon!

Any questions just message me or e-mail me at:

I am looking forward to meeting you soon!

Ana x

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